Who doesn’t love free stuff? These completely free sewing tutorials are for our fellow DIY lovers who strive to try new projects and test their crafting skills!
Here at Canvas Etc., our focus isn’t only on the high quality fabric, threads, and accessories we provide. We are passionate about consistently offering the best canvas, fabrics and materials at the lowest possible wholesale prices anywhere. Simply click on our store and theirs, and then compare! In fact, many other online fabric stores buy from us directly, and then resell them! But we also want to provide the full picture as well, and inform, educate and empower our customers! Our textiles will be the best solution for certain projects and applications, and below are some great tips for how to use them.
Sample Swatches
Do You Love Making and Crafting As Much As We Do?
We like learning something new just like you! While it’s easy to buy what you’re looking for, there’s a certain joy and feeling of accomplishment when it’s made with your own two hands. We work with great crafters just like you to provide easy to follow templates so that you can make amazing things with our products! Before you begin, and if you would like to get a better understanding of the texture, the “hand” and feel of the fabric, you can always order a fabric swatches sample book here.
Prototyping with Fabric
Save Money By Creating Your Own Accessories
Not only is it fun to try something different, but it can also be more cost-effective down the line. Everyone loves getting a bang for their buck! While buying your products in a store is quick and easy, it may not always be the cheapest route. Making your product is not only fulfilling, but can save you money as well.
All of our tutorials come with easy to follow instructions, along with videos! You can review the content on the go while you grab your materials. These tutorials make it easy to know what fabric you’ll need to order from us for your project. Each tutorial has step-by-step directions will have you to a great finished product in no time.
Start making something by hand. Follow our tutorials below and learn something new today.
cornhole bags DIY
Also, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page or contact us to receive updates when new videos are posted. We love all sorts of feedback! Please feel free to give us suggestions on future projects. Happy sewing and crafting!