
70 Denier Nylon 60″ Ripstop by the Yard

$5.45$7.98 / Linear yard (60"W X 3ft L)

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This fabric product is nylon ripstop by the yard, which is made weaving strong yarns in with the regular fabric to make a useful fabric that also looks good. This type of fabric has been largely popularized because it resists tears and rips when worn over time. It’s also great for use along hemlines to prevent tears from the friction of washing and wear. The fabric is strong enough to keep tears (when they do occur) from continuing along the weave — hence the name “ripstop.” It’s also much stronger than other types of non-rip stop fabrics. Depending on your project, this could be the perfect fabric!

Uses for Nylon Ripstop by the Yard

Denier ripstop nylon is a fabric product used in tents, backpacks, and rain jackets. This thick durable fiber provides strength and water resistance for outdoor weather conditions. The perfect material for the avid hunter or adventurer!

Nylon is made to withstand force. Ripstop has a thin strip of material woven throughout the fabric which strengthens its integrity against tears. Since ripstop nylon may be used for blankets and other military needs, it’s only fitting that this description also touches on these important areas as well!

Benefits of Nylon Ripstop by the Yard

This 70 denier fabric is water repellent for added protection, and our denier ripstop nylon can save you from money problems – after all, what could be worse than shielding yourself against rain without a good, durable outdoor cloth? You’ll thank us later.

Ripstop by the yard is the synthetic version of woven nylon. Historically, it has been utilized for tents and other outdoor activities because it has superior strength, durability, and water repellency qualities. Ripstop nylon is currently widely used in places where its remarkable longevity will not be compromised by humans or the natural elements like for items like parachutes that deploy quickly in a windy environment.

Not sure if our 60″ denier nylon ripstop is the right material for your next project? Contact us today to talk to one of our fabric specialists!

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