Utilize This Lockdown Time to Decorate Your Home

Stuck at home with little to do? Now’s the time to get your house in order and decorated nicely to enjoy all fall and winter long. We’re always so busy running errands and socializing, but these days – those aren’t always options. Instead, focus you’re free to focus your attention inwards – to decorate your home. Here are some ideas on how to utilize this lockdown time to decorate your home.

Think Outside the Box When you Decorate Your Home

For some, there aren’t the same selections of shops or products available. That means thinking outside the box when it comes to decor. Instead of buying all new items, see where you can move or reuse furniture and decor pieces that are already in your home. Sometimes just moving one side table or lamp to another room goes a long way in transforming a space, and it costs you nothing! The same goes for looking in old storage boxes in your garage or attic. It’s a good time to clean those out and see if there’s anything that can be repurposed for your home decor.

Utilize a Variety of Materials

Use your creativity. Does your whole room need to be decorated, or would getting new linen drapery be enough? Perhaps a set of drop cloth pillows made with your sewing machine could go a long way in making your space homier. Fabrics add texture, color, and comfort to a space. From heavyweight cotton to airy muslin, there are a variety of materials to improve the aesthetic of your home.

Less is More

It’s hard to admit when we need to get rid of things, but more often than not, the secret to a beautiful home is simplicity. Here are some tips to help you declutter your home:


  • Give one thing away every day: If you find it hard to part with your stuff, this is a good strategy. Every day, get rid of one item, and by the end of the year, you’ll have given away 365 items. This slow process won’t give you the results you’re looking for right away, but if you have a tendency to collect items, it’s a healthy strategy to learn to let go.
  • Donate clothing you haven’t worn in over a year: Let’s be honest. If you haven’t worn it in over a year, you’re not wearing it. Donate these clothes to your favorite charity and you’ll really be helping people, too. With the open closet space, you can store other items that you use more often, like your craft materials.
  • Pretend someone is coming over: When we host a party, which we aren’t able to do so much these days, we tend to do a better job cleaning our homes. Pretend someone is coming over and seeing your home for the first time. What impression do you want to make? This vision will help guide your decluttering efforts.

Look at the Details

Sometimes tiny changes are all that’s needed to transform your space. Start by rearranging your furniture. A new landscape might inspire you. You may notice that all you need is a new canvas print, or perhaps a strategically placed throw or two. Envision yourself enjoying the space. Sit in your favorite chair. How do you want the room to look from this vantage? Let that inform your decorative choices.

A Vision for the Future

The good news is you don’t have to redecorate your home all at once. Instead, create a wish list for yourself. What are the items you want to get that can truly improve the look of your home? It might be as simple as a painting or as big as a new stove. Either way, get your list going and slowly but surely, you’ll attain your vision for the future.