
Dome Kits – Pipe and Drape

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Are you looking for a solution to create an event space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional? If so, then dome kits may be the solution. Pipe and drape dome kits are used in many different settings like retail stores, weddings, trade show displays, theater stages, auditoriums or any other place where there is an area that needs to be sectioned off.

Our kits come in 3 diameters: 8 ft., 10 ft., and 12 ft.

Who Needs Dome Kits?

Dome kits are ideal for events that need to be sectioned off to create a special moment.

The benefits of using a pipe and drape system for these types of events is that it can fit any area you want to create an event space in without having the need for heavy equipment like scaffolding or other large items. Instead, our kits are easy to assemble and place.

Our dome kits would look great at a wedding, as a photo booth, product display, or gift table!

The Benefits of Dome Kits

One of the main benefits of our dome kits is that they are lightweight and easy to transport. Party planners will have an easy time transforming the event space to meet customer needs.

And of course, one important advantage in some cases, is price. Dome kits provide a cost-effective solution for many different events without compromising quality or production time on any event space area you need created.

Come to Canvas ETC for Your Event Needs

At Canvas ETC, we have everything you need to transform your event space! We have a wide variety of dome kits, as well as pipe and drape systems that are perfect for any occasion.

If you have any questions or need help finding what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Our team of fabric experts is waiting to help.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVLZQ7WkEio[/embedyt]

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